Lab Activity (30 points)
The lab for this lesson is very tutorial in nature. It is intended as a refresher of ArcGIS basics as well as an introduction to the various types of remote sensing data we will use in this course. To some, it may seem overly simplistic but don't let the "point-and-click, answer a question" style fool you! You should not only be comfortable with the "buttonology" required to perform each task, but you should be asking yourself at each step if you understand the purpose of each step.
- What is the big picture?
- Why are you being asked to perform these tasks?
- What is the significance of the order in which that tasks are performed?
While the lab instructions are given in very explicit steps, there is an assumption of familiarity with ArcMap at a basic level. If you find that you are not sure how to do a task, or if you don't understand why that step is important, ASK! We can guide you a section of an Esri VC course, or another PSU online course, that covers that particular concept or task in more detail.
Feel free to post questions about the Lab in the Lesson 2 General Discussion. Don't be afraid of revealing a weakness or "giving away "an answer. If you are unsure about something, maybe another student is too! Asking and answering questions in the discussion forum help us all challenge our own understanding and ability to communicate in a helpful way. If you do feel you have a good grasp of the concepts and methods, be willing to test your confidence by offering constructive comments about the lab or by helping another student. Teaching is also part of learning!
- Refer to the Lesson 2 Lab Instructions from Canvas.
- If you have problems with the software (unexpected behavior, crashes, etc.) contact your instructor immediately. He/she will assist you and will refer you to the vendor's technical support, if appropriate. Do not spend valuable study time struggling alone with these issues.
- Submit your work using the Lesson 2 Lab Deliverable link in Canvas. You may submit this Canvas deliverable only once.
Discussion Activity (5 points)
The ASPRS monthly journal, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, contains a regularly published column, written by Dr. Qassim Abdullah, called "Mapping Matters." Each month, Dr. Abdullah answers a reader's question about the creation and use of remotely sensed data for use in GIS applications.
Browse the Mapping Matters Archive (2007 - present) on the ASPRS website. Find a Q&A entry in the archive that addresses a sensor, platform, or georeferencing issue related to the course material. It may be a question or a problem you have encountered in your professional work or one that simply seems interesting to you. Summarize the question for the rest of the class in the Lesson 2 Graded Discussion Forum. Explain your interest in the question and discuss, in your own words, how the answer relates to the material taught in this lesson. What did you learn in this lesson that helped you understand Dr. Abdullah's response? How might this new bit of knowledge help you in your current or future work? What was surprising to you about either the question or the answer? If you didn't fully understand the answer, what questions remain for you?
Feel free to comment on other posts, providing stories from your own experience or answers to questions posed by your fellow students.