GEOG 583
Geospatial System Analysis and Design

Lesson Overview

Lesson Overview

In this module, you will be developing a wireframe prototype design using the balsamiq software to visualize your project. Prototypes are draft designs that are an important prerequisite to beginning the complete design.

In this module, you will be creating wireframe prototypes of your design for each included and extended page of the design, as well as user steps or tasks to describe to the user how to navigate the system. You will need to explain each design option including drop down menu, settings menus, and other “hidden” options that the user can access.

This module will culminate with multiple wireframe designs as well as a detailed step by step explanation for the user to navigate your system.


At the successful completion of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Create a wireframe prototype using the balsamiq software
  2. Develop detailed user steps or tasks to evaluate your users' ability to navigate the design
  3. Explain and describe in detail all the additional features and design options available to the users


Step Activity Directions
1 Work through Module 2 You are in the Lesson 4 online content right now. Be sure to carefully read through the online lesson material.
2 Assignment Create a wireframe prototype design using balsamiq and explain to the user how to navigate the design, and/or develop a user task process to evaluate the users' ability to navigate the design.
3 Technology Training None this week – learn how to use balsamiq


Please use the Discussion Forum to ask you classmates for additional suggestions as you are drafting your research questions. You can feel free to email me and I will strive to respond within 48 hours. I am also available for a phone call or zoom meeting upon request.