Matlab Application for Geoscience



MATLAB is essentially vector-based, so much data that will be manipulated is commonly structured in the form of arrays of values (vectors and matrices). If you don't commonly use other programming languages, then think of arrays as the grid of values in a spreadsheet program. Mathematical operations are designed to be carried out on arrays. In this lesson we'll go through a variety of methods to create and interact with arrays.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Use a variety of methods to construct arrays
  • Query the attributes of an array
  • Perform simple mathematical calculations with arrays
  • Make a simple plot on two-dimensional axes
Lesson Roadmap
To Read Lesson 2 (this web site) here
To Do
  • Lesson 2 Quiz
  • Problem Set 1
  • Canvas
  • Canvas


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