NGA Advanced Python Programming for GIS, GLGI 3001-1

Lesson 1 Assignment


We are going to use the arcpy vector data processing code from the Multiprocessing section in this lesson. Download as the basis for our Lesson 1 programming project. The code is already in multiprocessing mode, so you will not have to write multiprocessing code on your own from scratch but you still will need a good understanding of how the script works. If you are unclear about anything the script does, please ask on the course forums. This part of the assignment will be for getting back into the rhythm of writing arcpy based Python code and practice creating a multiprocessing script.

With the data from Multiprocessing with vector data section, (also here), your task is to extend our vector data clipping script by doing the following:

Expand the code so that it can handle multiple input feature classes to be clipped (still using a single polygon clipping feature class). The input variable data_to_be_clipped should now take a list of feature class names rather than a single name. The worker function should, as before, perform the operation of clipping a single input file (not all of them!) to one of the features from the clipper feature class. The main change you will have to make will be in the main code where the jobs are created. The names of the output files produced should have the format

clip_<oid>_<name of the input feature class>.shp

For instance clip_0_Roads.shp for clipping the Roads feature class from USA.gdb to the state featureclass with oid 0. You can change the OID to the state name if you want to expand the code.


Produce a 400-word write-up on how the assignment went for you; reflect on and briefly discuss the issues and challenges you encountered and what you learned from the assignment.


Submit a single .zip file to the corresponding drop box on Canvas; the zip file should contain:

  • Your modified code files. Please organize the files cleanly.
  • Your 400-word write-up.