NGA Advanced Python Programming for GIS, GLGI 3001-1

Accessing GIS Data via REST


Now that we know some methods for parsing JSON data, let’s look at the REST and how we can use it to generate a url for our code. There are four parameters that we need to fill out for it to return a result.  These four parameters are the Where, Out Fields, and Return Geometry, and return format.  If you need a more specific result, you can enter more parameters as needed.  

The base url for the query is looks like this from Query: BLM California Active Fires 2023 (ID: 0)

With the query at the end followed by the ?.  The ? separates the url into sections.  This ? is starting the passing of the parameters, which are separated by & sign.  Note that the url does not contain spaces  

The complete request’s parameters are added to the URL when the request is submitted: 


Building our query that will return all features, all fields in json format will look like:*&returnGeometry=true &f=json  

With this url string, can use request to retrieve data from services and save them locally.  There are a few ways of doing this such as using pandas to read the url, converting the json to a dataframe and then to a featureclass, converting the JSON result to a dictionary and using an insert/update cursor, or creating a new featureclass using the arcpy method JSONToFeatures_conversion(…) method.  It is important to note an important aspect of this method noted in the Summary section of the documentation: 

Converts feature collections in an Esri JSON formatted file (.json) or a GeoJSON formatted file (.geojson) to a feature class. 

This means that the method is expecting a file as the input and trying to pass the response json will results in an error and if you do not need to manipulate the data before outputting to a featureclass, this method might be the simplest to implement with the least amount of packages. If you need to work on the data, such as convert the datetimes for a field, converting the JSON to a dataframe or dictionary would be the preferred process. 

Below is an example of the process.

import arcpy 
import requests 
import json 

arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True 

url = "*&f=json" 

# send the request to the url and store the reply as response
response = requests.get(url) 

# Get result as json
jsonCode = response.json() 

jsonFile = r"C:\NGA\Lesson 3\response.json" 

# write the response json to a file
with open(jsonFile, "w") as outfile: 
    json.dump(jsonCode, outfile) 

# JSONToFeatures requires a file as input
arcpy.JSONToFeatures_conversion(jsonFile, r'C:\NGA\Lesson 3\Geog489.gdb\Boulder_Fire_Tax_Dist', 'POLYGON') 

# Clean up
if os.path.exists(jsonFile): 

You can also separate the parameters into a dictionary and let requests do the url formatting, making for a cleaner code and this method seems to also format the returned date fields, if there are any:

params = {'where': '1=1', 'outFields': '*', 'f': 'pjson', 'returnGeometry': True} 
response = requests.get(url, params)