NGA Advanced Python Programming for GIS, GLGI 3001-1

FeatureService to Featureclass


As we said earlier about searching for packages that perform an ETL process, we saved a hidden gem for last. Compared to the previous methods of retreiving data from from a service that we went over, the few lines of code this process requires is welcoming from a managerial and readbility standpoint.

A hidden capability of arcpy’s conversion FeatureclassToFeatureclass is that it can take a service endpoint as an input and make short work of this conversion to a Featureclass. However, as promising as it seems, some services do not transform. Since it is only a few lines of code, it is worth giving it a try and saving some time.

url = '' 
out_location = r"C:\NGA\TestingExportData\output.gdb" 
out_featureclass = "Fire_Tax_District" 
# Run FeatureClassToFeatureClass 
arcpy.conversion.FeatureClassToFeatureClass(url, out_location, out_featureclass) 

To add the definition query, you can set the parameter of the method.

## Adding Expression 
delimitedField = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(arcpy.env.workspace, "NAME") 
expression = delimitedField + " = 'Post Office'"
arcpy.conversion.FeatureClassToFeatureClass(url, out_location, out_featureclass, expression)