EME 210
Data Analytics for Energy Systems




In this lesson, you will learn two more means of conducting statistical inference: Chi-Square Tests and ANOVA tests. These tests will allow you to compare multiple groups within a dataset, but differ on the make-up of those gropus. Additionally, you will learn how to write hypotheses for these tests and use p-values to make conclusions.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • identify when to use Chi-square tests

  • employ Chi-square tests in Python

  • recognize the role of ANOVA in experimental design

  • interpret the output of an ANOVA test in Python

Lesson Roadmap

Table listing assignments
Type Assignment Location
To Read Lock et. al. 7.1 (7.2 Bonus), 8.1 (8.2 Bonus), and 9.1  Textbook
To Do

Complete Homework: H09: Chi-square ANOVA

Take Quiz 7



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