GEOG 862
GPS and GNSS for Geospatial Professionals

The Carrier Phase Observable


This same 1 percent rule of thumb can illustrate the increased precision of the carrier phase observable over the pseudorange. First, the length of a single wavelength of each carrier is calculated using this formula

λ= c a f


λ = the length of each complete wavelength in meters;
c a = the speed of light corrected for atmospheric effects;
f = the frequency in hertz.

λ= c a f λ= 300x 10 6 mps 1575.42x 10 6 Hz λ=19cm

L1 – 1575.42 MHz carrier transmitted by GPS satellites has a wavelength of approximately 19 cm

λ= c a f λ= 300x 10 6 mps 1227.60x 10 6 Hz λ=24cm

L2 – 1227.60 MHz carrier transmitted by GPS satellites has a wavelength of approximately 24 cm

The resolution available from a signal is approximately 1% of its wavelength. 1% of these wavelengths is approximately 2mm.

Carrier phase observations are certainly the preferred method for the higher precision work most have come to expect from GPS.