NGA Advanced Python Programming for GIS, GLGI 3001-1

Higher order functions


In this section, we are going to introduce a new and very powerful concept of Python (and other programming languages), namely the idea that functions can be given as parameters to other functions similar to how we have been doing so far with other types of values like numbers, strings, or lists. You see examples of this near the end of the lesson with the pool.starmap(...) function. A function that takes other functions as arguments is often called a higher order function.

Let us immediately start with an example: Let’s say you often need to apply certain string functions to each string in a list of strings. Sometimes you want to convert the strings from the list to be all in upper-case characters, sometimes to be all in lower-case characters, sometimes you need to turn them into all lower-case characters but have the first character capitalized, or apply some completely different conversion. The following example shows how one can write a single function for all these cases and then pass the function to apply to each list element as a parameter to this new function:

def applyToEachString(stringFunction, stringList):
	myList = []
	for item in stringList:
	return myList

allUpperCase = applyToEachString(str.upper, ['Building', 'ROAD', 'tree'] )

As you can see, the function definition specifies two parameters; the first one is for passing a function that takes a string and returns either a new string from it or some other value. The second parameter is for passing along a list of strings. In line 7, we call our function with using str.upper for the first parameter and a list with three words for the second parameter. The word list intentionally uses different forms of capitalization. upper() is a string method that turns the string it is called for into all upper-case characters. Since this a method and not a function, we have to use the name of the class (str) as a prefix, so “str.upper”. It is important that there are no parentheses () after upper because that would mean that the function will be called immediately and only its return value would be passed to applyToEachString(…).

In the function body, we simply create an empty list in variable myList, go through the elements of the list that is passed in parameter stringList, and then in line 4 call the function that is passed in parameter stringFunction to an element from the list. The result is appended to list myList and, at the end of the function, we return that list with the modified strings. The output you will get is the following:


If we now want to use the same function to turn everything into all lower-case characters, we just have to pass the name of the lower() function instead, like this:

allLowerCase = applyToEachString(str.lower, ['Building', 'ROAD', 'tree'] )
['building', 'road', 'tree'] 

You may at this point say that this is more complicated than using a simple list comprehension that does the same, like:

[ s.upper() for s in ['Building', 'ROAD', 'tree'] ]

That is true in this case but we are just creating some simple examples that are easy to understand here. For now, trust us that there are more complicated cases of higher-order functions that cannot be formulated via list comprehension.

For converting all strings into strings that only have the first character capitalized, we first write our own function that does this for a single string. There actually is a string method called capitalize() that could be used for this, but let’s pretend it doesn’t exist to show how to use applyToEachString(…) with a self-defined function.

def capitalizeFirstCharacter(s):
	return s[:1].upper() + s[1:].lower()

allCapitalized = applyToEachString(capitalizeFirstCharacter, ['Building', 'ROAD', 'tree'] )
['Building', 'Road', 'Tree']

The code for capitalizeFirstCharacter(…) is rather simple. It just takes the first character of the given string s and turns it into upper-case, then takes the rest of the string and turns it into lower-case, and finally puts the two pieces together again. Please note that since we are passing a function as parameter not a method of a class, there is no prefix added to capitalizeFirstCharacter in line 4.

Lesson content developed by Jan Wallgrun and James O’Brien