NGA Advanced Python Programming for GIS, GLGI 3001-1



Let’s recapitulate a bit: the underlying perspective of object-oriented programming is that the domain modeled in a program consists of objects belonging to different classes. If your software models some part of the real world, you may have classes for things like buildings, vehicles, trees, etc. and then the objects (also called instances) created from these classes during run-time represent concrete individual buildings, vehicles, or trees with their specific properties. The classes in your software can also describe non real-world and often very abstract things like a feature layer or a random number generator.

Class definitions specify general properties that all objects of that class have in common, together with the things that one can do with these objects. Therefore, they can be considered blueprints for the objects. Each object at any moment during run-time is in a particular state that consists of the concrete values it has for the properties defined in its class. So, for instance, the definition of a very basic class Car may specify that all cars have the properties owner, color, currentSpeed, and lightsOn. During run-time we might then create an object for “Tom’s car” in variable carOfTom with the following values making up its state:

carOfTom.owner = "Tom" 
carOfTom.color = "blue" 
carOfTom.currentSpeed = 48   (mph) 
carOfTom.lightsOn = False

While all objects of the same class have the same properties (also called attributes or fields), their values for these properties may vary and, hence, they can be in different states. The actions that one can perform with a car or things that can happen to a car are described in the form of methods in the class definition. For instance, the class Car may specify that the current speed of cars can be changed to a new value and that lights can be turned on and off. The respective methods may be called changeCurrentSpeed(…), turnLightsOn(), and turnLightsOff(). Methods are like functions but they are explicitly invoked on an object of the class they are defined in. In Python this is done by using the name of the variable that contains the object, followed by a dot, followed by the method name:

carOfTom.changeCurrentSpeed(34) # change state of Tom’s car to current speed being 34mph 

carOfTom.turnLightsOn()# change state of Tom’s car to lights being turned on

The purpose of methods can be to update the state of the object by changing one or several of its properties as in the previous two examples. It can also be to get information about the state of the car, e.g. are the lights turned on? But it can also be something more complicated, e.g. performing a certain driving maneuver or fuel calculation.

In object-oriented programming, a program is perceived as a collection of objects that interact by calling each other’s methods. Object-oriented programming adheres to three main design principles:

  • Encapsulation: Definitions related to the properties and methods of any class appear in a specification that is encapsulated independently from the rest of the software code and properties are only accessible via a well-defined interface, e.g. via the defined methods.
  • Inheritance: Classes can be organized hierarchically with new classes being derived from previously defined classes inheriting all the characteristics of the parent class but potentially adding specialized properties or specialized behavior. For instance, our class Car could be derived from a more general class Vehicle adding properties and methods that are specific for cars.
  • Polymorphism: Inherited classes can change the behavior of methods by overwriting them and the code executed when such a method is invoked for an object then depends on the class of that object.

We will talk more about inheritance and polymorphism soon. All three principles aim at improving reusability and maintainability of software code. These days, most software is created by mainly combining parts that already exist because that saves time and costs and increases reliability when the re-used components have already been thoroughly tested. The idea of classes as encapsulated units within a program increases reusability because these units are then not dependent on other code and can be moved over to a different project much more easily.

For now, let’s look at how our simple class Car can be defined in Python.

 class Car(): 

     def __init__(self): 
          self.owner = 'UNKNOWN' 
          self.color = 'UNKNOWN' 
          self.currentSpeed = 0 
          self.lightsOn = False 

     def changeCurrentSpeed(self,newSpeed): 
          self.currentSpeed = newSpeed 

     def turnLightsOn(self): 
          self.lightsOn = True 

     def turnLightsOff(self): 
          self.lightsOn = False 

     def printInfo(self): 
          print('Car with owner = {0}, color = {1}, currentSpeed = {2}, lightsOn = {3}'.format(self.owner, self.color, self.currentSpeed, self.lightsOn)) 

Here is an explanation of the different parts of this class definition: each class definition in Python starts with the keyword ‘class’ followed by the name of the class (‘Car’) followed by parentheses that may contain names of classes that this class inherits from, but that’s something we will only see later on. The rest of the class definition is indented to the right relative to this line.

The rest of the class definition consists of definitions of the methods of the class which all look like function definitions but have the keyword ‘self’ as the first parameter, which is an indication that this is a method. The method __init__(…) is a special method called the constructor of the class. It will be called when we create a new object of that class like this:

carOfTom = Car()    # uses the __init__() method of Car to create a new Car object

In the body of the constructor, we create the properties of the class Car. Each line starting with “self.<name of property> = ...“ creates a so-called instance variable for this car object and assigns it an initial value, e.g. zero for the speed. The instance variables describing the state of an object are another type of variable in addition to global and local variables that you already know. They are part of the object and exist as long as that object exists. They can be accessed from within the class definition as “self.<name of the instance variable>” which happens later in the definitions of the other methods, namely in lines 10, 13, 16 and 19. If you want to access an instance variable from outside the class definition, you have to use <name of variable containing the object>.<name of the instance variable>, so, for instance:

print(carOfTom.lightsOn)    # will produce the output False because right now this instance variable still has its default value

The rest of the class definition consists of the methods for performing certain actions with a Car object. You can see that the already mentioned methods for changing the state of the Car object are very simple. They just assign a new value to the respective instance variable, a new speed value that is provided as a parameter in the case of changeCurrentSpeed(…) and a fixed Boolean value in the cases of turnLightsOn() and turnLightsOff(). In addition, we added a method printInfo() that prints out a string with the values of all instance variables to provide us with all information about a car’s current state. Let us now create a new instance of our Car class and then use some of its methods:

carOfSue = Car() 
carOfSue.owner = 'Sue' 
carOfSue.color = 'white' 

Car with owner = Sue, color = white, currentSpeed = 41, lightsOn = True

Since we did not define any methods to change the owner or color of the car, we are directly accessing these instance variables and assigning new values to them in lines 2 and 3. While this is okay in simple examples like this, it is recommended that you provide so-called getter and setter methods (also called accessor and mutator methods) for all instance variables that you want the user of the class to be able to read (“get”) or change (“set”). The methods allow the class to perform certain checks to make sure that the object always remains in an allowed state. How about you go ahead and for practice create a second car object for your own car (or any car you can think of) in a new variable and then print out its information?

A method can call any other method defined in the same class by using the notation “self.<name of the method>(...)”. For example, we can add the following method randomSpeed() to the definition of class Car:

def setRandomSpeed(self): 

The new method requires the “random” module to be imported at the beginning of the script. The method generates a random number and then uses the previously defined method changeCurrentSpeed(…) to actually change the corresponding instance variable. In this simple example, one could have simply changed the instance variable directly but in more complex cases changes to the state can require more code so that this approach here actually avoids having to repeat that code. Give it a try and add some lines to call this new method for one of the car objects and then print out the info again.

Lesson content developed by Jan Wallgrun and James O’Brien