NGA Advanced Python Programming for GIS, GLGI 3001-1

Interacting with Layers Open in QGIS 4.5.1


Let us start this introduction by writing some code directly in the QGIS Python console and talking about how you can access the layers currently open in QGIS and add new layers to the currently open project. If you don’t have QGIS running at the moment, please start it up and open the Python console from the Plugins menu in the main menu bar.

When you open the Python console in QGIS, the Python qgis package and its submodules are automatically imported as well as other relevant modules including the main PyQt5 modules. In addition, a variable called iface is set up to provide an object of the class QgisInterface1 to interact with the running QGIS environment. The code below shows how you can use that object to retrieve a list of the layers in the currently open map project and the currently active layer. Before you type in and run the code in the console, please add a few layers to an empty project including the TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp shapefile (download here). We will recreate some of the steps from that section with QGIS here so that you also get a bit of a comparison between the two APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). The currently active layer is the one selected in the Layers window; please select the world borders layer by clicking on it before you execute the code.

layers = iface.mapCanvas().layers() 
for layer in layers:
# If you copy/paste the code - run the part above
# before you run the part below 
# otherwise you'll get a syntax error.
activeLayer = iface.activeLayer()
print('active layer: ' +
Output (numbers will vary): 

active layer:  TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3

The layers() method of the QgsMapCanvas object we get from calling iface.mapCanvas() returns the currently open layers as a list of objects of the different subclasses of QgsMapLayer. Invoking the name() method of these layer objects gives us the name under which the layer is listed in the Layers window. gives us the ID that QGIS has assigned to the layer which in contrast to the name is unique. The iface.activeLayer() method gives us the currently selected layer.

The type() function of a layer can be used to test the type of the layer:

if activeLayer.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer: 
    print('This is a vector layer!')

Depending on the type of the layer, there are other methods that we can call to get more information about the layer. For instance, for a vector layer we can use wkbType() to get the geometry type of the layer:

if activeLayer.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer: 
    if activeLayer.wkbType() == QgsWkbTypes.MultiPolygon: 
        print('This layer contains multi-polygons!')

The output you get from the previous command should confirm that the active world borders layer contains multi-polygons, meaning features that can have multiple polygonal parts.

QGIS defines a function dir(…) that can be used to list the methods that can be invoked for a given object. Try out the following two applications of this function:


To add or remove a layer, we need to work with the QgsProject object for the project currently open in QGIS. We retrieve it like this:

currentProject = QgsProject.instance() 

The output from the print statement in the second row will probably be the empty string unless you have saved the project. Feel free to do so and rerun the line and you should get the actual file name.

Here is how we can remove the active layer (or any other layer object) from the layer registry of the project (you may have to resize/refresh the map canvas afterwards for the layer to disappear there):


The following command shows how we can add the world borders shapefile again (or any other feature class we have on disk). Make sure you adapt the path based on where you have the shapefile stored. We first have to create the vector layer object providing the file name and optionally the name to be used for the layer. Then we add that layer object to the project via the addMapLayer(…) method:

layer = QgsVectorLayer(r'C:\489\TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp', 'World borders') 

Lastly, here is an example that shows you how you can change the symbology of a layer from your code:

renderer = QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer() 
layer.renderer().updateClasses(layer, QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer.Jenks, 5) 

Here we create an object of the QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer class that we want to use to draw the country polygons from our layer using a graduated color approach based on the population attribute ‘POP2005’. The name of the field to use is set via the renderer’s setClassAttribute() method in line 2. Then we make the renderer object the renderer for our world borders layer in line 3. In the next two lines, we tell the renderer (now accessed via the layer method renderer()) to use a Jenks Natural Breaks classification with 5 classes and a gradient color ramp that interpolates between the colors white and red. Please note that the colors used as parameters here are predefined instances of the Qt5 class QColor. Changing the symbology does not automatically refresh the map canvas or layer list. Therefore, in the last two lines, we explicitly tell the running QGIS environment to refresh the symbology of the world borders layer in the Layers tree view (line 6) and to refresh the map canvas (line 7). The result should look similar to the figure below (with all other layers removed).

World borders layer after changing the symbology from Python
Figure 4.12 World borders layer after changing the symbology from Python

[1] The qgis Python module is a wrapper around the underlying C++ library. The documentation pages linked in this section are those of the C++ version but the names of classes and available functions and methods are the same.

Lesson content developed by Jan Wallgrun and James O’Brien