NGA Advanced Python Programming for GIS, GLGI 3001-1

Accessing the Features of a Layer


Let’s keep working with the world borders layer open in QGIS for a bit, looking at how we can access the individual features in a layer and select features by attribute. The following piece of code shows you how we can loop through all the features with the help of the layer’s getFeatures() method:

for feature in layer.getFeatures(): 
<qgis._core.QgsFeature object at 0x...> 
Antigua and Barbuda 
<qgis._core.QgsFeature object at 0x...> 
<qgis._core.QgsFeature object at 0x...> 
<qgis._core.QgsFeature object at 0x...> 

Features are represented as objects of the class QgsFeature(link is external) in QGIS. So, for each iteration of the for-loop in the previous code example, variable feature will contain a QgsFeature object. Features are numbered with a unique ID that you can obtain by calling the method id() as we are doing in this example. Attributes like the NAME attribute of the world borders polygons can be accessed using the attribute name as the key as also demonstrated above.

Like in most GIS software, a layer can have an active selection. When the layer is open in QGIS, the selected features are highlighted. The layer method selectAll() allows for selecting all features in a layer and removeSelection() can be used to clear the selection. Give this a try by running the following two commands in the QGIS Python console and watch how all countries become selected and then deselected again.


The method selectByExpression() allows for selecting features based on their properties with a SQL query string that has the same format as in ArcGIS. Use the following command to select all features from the layer that have a value larger than 300,000 in the AREA column of the attribute table. The result should look as in the figure below.

layer.selectByExpression('"AREA" > 300000')
World borders layer with countries selected by selectByExpression(...) selected
Figure 4.13 World borders layer with countries selected by selectByExpression(...) selected

While there can only be one active selection for a layer, you can create as many subgroups of features from a layer as you want by calling getFeatures(…) with a parameter that is an object of the class QgsFeatureRequest and that has been given a filter expression via its setFilterExpression(…) method. The filter expression can be again an SQL query string. The following code creates a subgroup that will only contain the polygon for Canada. When you run it, this will not change the active selection that you see for that layer in QGIS but variable selectionName now provides access to the subgroup with just that one polygon. We get that first (and only) polygon by calling the __next__() method of selectionName and then print out some information about this particular polygon feature.

selectionName = layer.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterExpression('"NAME" = \'Canada\'')) 
feature = selectionName.__next__() 
print(feature['NAME'] + "-" + str(
Canada – 23 
<qgis._core.QgsGeometry object at 0x...> 
MultiPolygon (((-65.61361699999997654 43.42027300000000878,...)))

The first print statement in this example works in the same way as you have seen before to get the name attribute and id of the feature. The method geometry() gives us the geometric object for this feature as an instance of the QgsGeometry class and calling the method asWkt() gives us a WKT string representation of the multi-polygon geometry. You can also use a for-loop to iterate through the features in a subgroup created in this way. The method rewind() can be used to reset the iterator to the beginning so that when you call __next__() again, it will again give you the first feature from the subgroup.

When you have the geometry object and know what type of geometry it is, you can use the methods asPoint(), asPolygon(), asPolyline(), asMultiPolygon(), etc. to get the geometry as a Python data structure, e.g. in the case of multi-polygons as a list of lists of lists with each inner list containing tuples of the point coordinates for one polygonal component.

[[[(-65.6136, 43.4203), (-65.6197,43.4181), … ]]]

Here is another example to demonstrate that we can work with several different subgroups of features at the same time. This time we request all features from the layer that have a POP2005 value larger than 50,000,000.

selectionPopulation = layer.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterExpression('"POP2005" > 50000000'))

If we ever want to use a subgroup like this to create the active selection for the layer from it, we can use the layer method selectByIds(…) for this. The method requires a list of feature IDs and will then change the active selection to these features. In the following example, we use a simple list comprehension to create the ID list from the subgroup in our variable selectionPopulation:

layer.selectByIds([ for f in selectionPopulation])

When running this command you should notice that the selection of the features in QGIS changes to look like in the figure below.

Selection created by calling selectByIds(...)
Figure 4.14 Selection created by calling selectByIds(...)

Let’s save the currently selected features as a new file. We use the GeoPackage format (GPKG) for this, which is more modern than the shapefile format, but you can easily change the command below to produce a shapefile instead; simply change the file extension to “.shp” and replace “GPKG” with “ESRI Shapefile”. The function we will use for writing the layer to disk is called writeAsVectorFormat(…) and it is defined in the class QgsVectorFileWriter. Please note that this function has been declared "deprecated", meaning it may be removed in future versions and it is recommended that you do not use it anymore. In versions up to QGIS 3.16 (the current LTR version that most likely you are using right now), you are supposed to use writeAsVectorFormatV2(...) instead; however, there have been issues reported with that function and it is already replaced by writeAsVectorFormatV3(...) in versions >3.16 of QGIS. Therefore, we have decided to stick with writeAsVectorFormat(…) while things are still in flux. The parameters we give to writeAsVectorFormat(…) are the layer we want to save, the name of the output file, the character encoding to use, the spatial reference to use (we simply use the one that our layer is in), the format (“GPKG”), and True for signaling that only the selected features should be saved in the new data set. Adapt the path for the output file as you see fit and then run the command:

QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(layer, r'C:\489\highPopulationCountries.gpkg', 'utf-8',,'GPKG', True)

If you add the new file produced by this command to your QGIS project, it should only contain the polygons for the countries we selected based on their population values.

For changing the attribute values of a feature, we need to work with the “data provider” object of the layer. We can access it via the layer’s dataProvider() method:

dataProvider = layer.dataProvider()

Let’s say we want to change the POP2005 value for Canada to 1 (don’t ask what happened!). For this, we also need the index of the POP2005 column which we can get by calling the data provider’s fieldNameIndex() method:

populationColumnIndex = dataProvider.fieldNameIndex('POP2005')

To change the attribute value we call the method changeAttributeValues(…) of the data provider object providing a dictionary as parameter that maps feature IDs to dictionaries which in turn map column indices to new values. The inner dictionary that maps column indices to values is defined in a separate variable newValueDictionary.

newValueDictionary = { populationColumnIndex : 1 } 
dataProvider.changeAttributeValues( { newValueDictionary } )

In this simple example, the outer dictionary contains only a single key-value pair with the ID of the feature for Canada as key and another dictionary as value. The inner dictionary also only contains a single key-value pair consisting of the index of the population column and its new value 1. Both dictionaries can have multiple entries to simultaneously change multiple values of multiple features. After running this command, check out the attributes of Canada, either via the QGIS Identify tool or in the attribute table of the layer. You will see that the population value in the layer now has been changed to 1 (the same holds for the underlying shapefile). Let’s set the value back to what it was with the following command:

dataProvider.changeAttributeValues( { { populationColumnIndex : 32270507 } } )

Lesson content developed by Jan Wallgrun and James O’Brien