NGA Advanced Python Programming for GIS, GLGI 3001-1

First steps with multiprocessing


You might have realized that there are generally two broad types of tasks – those that are input/output (I/O) heavy which require a lot of data to be read, written or otherwise moved around; and those that are CPU (or processor) heavy that require a lot of calculations to be done. Because getting data is the slowest part of our operation, I/O heavy tasks do not demonstrate the same improvement in performance from multiprocessing as CPU heavy tasks. The more work there is to do for the CPU the greater the benefit in splitting that workload among a range of processors so that they can share the load.

The other thing that can slow us down is outputting to the screen – although this isn’t really an issue in multiprocessing because printing to our output window can get messy. Think about two print statements executing at exactly the same time – you’re likely to get the content of both intermingled, leading to a very difficult to understand message. Even so, updating the screen with print statements is a slow task.

Don’t believe me? Try this sample piece of code that sums the numbers from 0-100.

import time 
start_time = time.time() 
sum = 0 
for i in range(0, 100): 
    sum += i 
# Output how long the process took.  
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))   

If I run it with the print function in the loop the code takes 0.049 seconds to run on my PC. If I comment that print function out, the code runs in 0.0009 seconds.

--- 0.04900026321411133 seconds ---

runfile('C:/Users/jao160/Documents/Teaching_PSU/Geog489_SU_21/Lesson 1/', wdir='C:/Users/jao160/Documents/Teaching_PSU/Geog489_SU_21/Lesson 1')
--- 0.0009996891021728516 seconds ---

You might remember a similar situation in GEOG 485 with the Hi-ho Cherry-O example where we simulated 10,000 runs of this children's game to determine the average number of turns it takes. If we printed out the results, the code took a minute or more to run. If we skipped all but the final print statement the code ran in less than a second.

We’ll revisit that Cherry-O example as we experiment with moving code from the single processor paradigm to multiprocessor. We’ll start with it as a simple, non arcpy example and then move on to two arcpy examples – one raster (our raster calculation example from before) and one vector.

Here’s our original Cherry-O code. (If you did not take GEOG485 and don't know the game, you may want to have a quick look at the description from GEOG485).

# Simulates 10K game of Hi Ho! Cherry-O  
# Setup _very_ simple timing.  
import time 
start_time = time.time() 
import random 
spinnerChoices = [-1, -2, -3, -4, 2, 2, 10] 
turns = 0 
totalTurns = 0 
cherriesOnTree = 10 
games = 0 
while games < 10001: 
    # Take a turn as long as you have more than 0 cherries  
    cherriesOnTree = 10 
    turns = 0 
    while cherriesOnTree > 0: 
        # Spin the spinner  
        spinIndex = random.randrange(0, 7) 
        spinResult = spinnerChoices[spinIndex] 
        # Print the spin result      
        # print ("You spun " + str(spinResult) + ".")     
        # Add or remove cherries based on the result  
        cherriesOnTree += spinResult 
        # Make sure the number of cherries is between 0 and 10     
        if cherriesOnTree > 10: 
            cherriesOnTree = 10 
        elif cherriesOnTree < 0: 
            cherriesOnTree = 0 
            # Print the number of cherries on the tree         
        # print ("You have " + str(cherriesOnTree) + " cherries on your tree.")      
        turns += 1 
    # Print the number of turns it took to win the game  
    # print ("It took you " + str(turns) + " turns to win the game.")  
    games += 1 
    totalTurns += turns 
print("totalTurns " + str(float(totalTurns) / games)) 
# lastline = raw_input(">")  
# Output how long the process took.  
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))  

We've added in our very simple timing from earlier and this example runs for me in about 1/3 of a second (without the intermediate print functions). That is reasonably fast and you might think we won't see a significant improvement from modifying the code to use multiprocessor mode but let's experiment. 

The Cherry-O task is a good example of a CPU bound task; we’re limited only by the calculation speed of our random numbers, as there is no I/O being performed. It is also an embarrassingly parallel task as none of the 10,000 runs of the game are dependent on each other. All we need to know is the average number of turns; there is no need to share any other information. Our logic here could be to have a function (Cherry-O) which plays the game and returns to our calling function the number of turns. We can add that value returned to a variable in the calling function and when we’re done divide by the number of games (e.g. 10,000) and we’ll have our average. 

Lesson content developed by Jan Wallgrun and James O’Brien