8.5.8: Construction of a New Pit
Now, with this understanding of the individual components, let’s watch a video (8:57) showing the construction and set up of a new pit. Note all of the related activities in the background.
Of course, as mining advances, it becomes necessary to move the pit to the next location. This is a process accomplished over a shift. The next video, which is about 6 minutes in length, captures a complete move over a nine-hour period. Fasten your seatbelts!
The design of a slurry transport system is covered in our materials handling course, MNG 404. Here, it is worth noting a few defining characteristics of the system used at the Mosaic mines.
- 2000 tph capacity
- 1500 hp or greater pump motors
- up to 62” diameter pump impellers
- pipelines up to 10 mi long
- 20” diameter pipe
- pumps every 1 mi
- slurry
- 35% solids by weight w/ up to 6” – 8“ size fraction
Finally, we can take a look at the placement of overburden into a previously mined cut.